7 Simple Ways to Get Back Into Your Workouts

Whether you’ve gone on vacation, had a baby or life just got busy, it happens — your workouts can take a back seat. So, what happens now? Sometimes it's easy to bounce back into your routine. But other times, it can feel next to impossible.
The good news is that this is normal! What’s important is focusing on realistic steps so you can ease back into a regular workout routine. Here are five simple tips you can use to kickstart your workout routine again, as well as two specific call outs for newly postpartum moms!
1. Workout With a Friend
If you’re struggling with consistency, try scheduling some workouts with a friend. Or tap into the support of the FBG community. When you know someone else is counting on you to show up, you don’t want to let them down! There’s also something to be said about having a friendly face around. If you’re feeling low-energy, your friend can act as an accountability buddy and encourage you to push a little harder.
2. Take it Slow
When you’ve taken a break, it can feel overwhelming to start. You are also physically less fit. Research shows you can start to lose muscle mass and cardiovascular fitness after just a couple of weeks of not working out! So, take it slow and start with just 5 minutes. Build up the length and frequency of your workouts until you’re back on track.
3. Focus on Dedication Over Motivation
Motivation is fleeting while dedication is the real key to sticking to your workouts. There are going to be days where the last thing you want to do is workout. Don’t wait to feel motivated — make it happen regardless of how motivated you feel and keep your long-term goals in mind.
4. Engage Robot Mode
This is Anna Victoria’s favorite tip and it’s because it works! Robot mode is the true secret to dedication. Channeling robot mode is so effective because you stop yourself from overthinking and finding excuses to not workout. As soon as you think about doing your workout, just get up and go!
5. Treat Yourself!
A study which tracked the fitness habits of 60,000 gym goers found that rewards went a long way in helping people stick to their workouts. And it’s not like these had to be expensive treats either. In fact, the study found that incentives from as little as nine cents proved effective! Think about what you’d find meaningful and treat yourself whenever you hit a major milestone such as sticking to your workouts for a full week.
Getting Restarted as a Postpartum Mom
1. Choose the Right Workout Program
If you can, get a referral from your obstetrician to see a pelvic floor certified physical therapist six weeks postpartum. This is a great way to work with an expert to help build strength in a safe manner. If this isn’t an option, choose the Restore Your Core program on the Fit Body App. It’s designed for newly postpartum C-section moms but is an amazing choice regardless of how you gave birth. There are eight classes, that range from five to ten minutes each. And once you’re done, you can graduate to our gentle strength Revive program.
2. Focus on Strength
One of Anna’s top tips for new moms is to focus on working out to feel strong and energized, not skinny. No matter what your plans are, prioritizing how you feel will always be a winner. And don’t forget that the stronger you are pre-pregnancy, the better foundation you have in post-pregnancy mode. Muscle memory is a real thing and you’ll be surprised at how much easier it is once you’re able to start working out again!
No matter how long of a break you’ve taken, or how hard it seems, you can do it. Try out our tips and share the ones that helped you out the most on Instagram. And don’t forget to tag @FitBodyApp so we can see and encourage you!